Mango Pudding

I love December!
I enjoy the Christmas spirit, the rain and the lovely color of nature.

As the rainy weather coming to accompany Christmas season, and the sun still shines timidly, this time we decided to put more color in our yard. Other than overhauling the lawns with fresh grass, we planted some flowers and trees; from frangipani, morning glory to vines. Day by day, I fall in love more and more to our home.

Mango Pudding

This month, we don't only enjoy the blooming flowers but also lots of exotic tropical fruits are easy to find in markets. From the famous hairy fruit, Rambutan to the sweet jackfruit. From the heavy and sweet mangosteen to the delicious mango. Fresh tropical fruits become our delicious ready to eat snack for now.

Having lots of mango in the kitchen, I decided to prepare this mango pudding. This was my first time using gelatin for the pudding instead of agar-agar powder. I got different texture compare with pudding made from agar-agar powder. At the end, I serve it with chopped mangos and sprinkled with crumbs. It turned so delicious, more than what I expected.

I got the idea to put crumbs from the other recipe in Delicious Magazine (Australia). Finally, we always add more crumbs while enjoying the pudding. What a clever combination.

For sure, I'll make it again...

To learn more about gelatin, please check this link:

Mango Pudding

Puding Mangga
adapted from : Femina (Indonesia) Magazine

Bahan / Ingredients :
45 gr gelatin sapi bubuk / 45 gr gelatin powder
300 ml air panas / 300 ml hot water
600 gr mangga harumanis, kupas, cuci bersih, potong-potong / 600 gr mango, peel, wash, cut.
100 gr gula pasir / 100 gr sugar
300 ml susu / 300 ml milk

Cara Membuat :
1. Tim gelatin bubuk bersama air panas, aduk rata hingga gelatin larut dan bening.
2. Masukkan potongan mangga ke dalam blender, haluskan
3. Tuang mangga halus ke dalam panci. Tambahkan gula pasir dan susu cair, aduk hingga tercampur rata. masak hingga gula larut, angkat, sisihkan.
4. Tuang gelatin ke dalam adonan mangga, aduk rata.
5. Tuang adonan puding ke dalam cetakan yang sudah dibasahi air dingin, ratakan. Dinginkan hingga puding mengeras. Sajikan.

mango2 Mango1

Mango Pudding
How to Make:
1. Sprinkle gelatin into a small bowl or cup, mix with hot water, stir constantly, then place the bowl into a container of boiling water and stir constantly until completely dissolved and look transparent.
2. Insert pieces of mango into a blender, puree.
3. Put the mango puree into the pan. Add sugar and milk, stir until well blended, cook until sugar has dissolved. Remove and set aside.
4. Pour gelatin into the mango mixture and stir well.
5. Pour pudding mixture into a mold that has been moistened with cool water, smooth. Refrigerate until pudding are set/hard. Serve.

To prepare the crumbs :
Source : Delicious Magazine Dec 2010/Jan 2011 from the recipe of Yoghurt Panna Cotta with Mango (p.162)
Preheat oven to 160C. Line a baking tray with baking paper. Place 2 tsp brown sugar, 60 gr rice flour and 20 gr chilled unsalted butter (chopped) in a bowl. Using your fingertips, rub butter into flour to form coarse crumbs.
Spread over the tray and bake for 25 minutes until golden. Cool, then break any large clumbs into rough crumbs.


Ira Rodrigues said…
bayangin texture yg velvety, yum...
pudding pakek gelatin terasa lembut di perut ya van :))
Vania said…
oooh velvety... kog aku nemu kata2 yg tepat u/ nyeritainnya ya :D
Tapi beneran Ra, kayagnya bikin ketagihan pake gelatin, texturenya antara puding agar2 dan jelly. Yummy!